Produkt zum Begriff Design-Patterns:
Design Patterns
Design Patterns , Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently. , > , Auflage: 1st ed., Reprint, Erscheinungsjahr: 199512, Produktform: Leinen, Titel der Reihe: Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series##, Auflage/Ausgabe: 1st ed., Reprint, Abbildungen: Zahlr. Abb., Tab., Themenüberschrift: COMPUTERS / Programming / Object Oriented, Fachschema: Objektorientiert (EDV)~Pattern (EDV)~Mustererkennung~Intelligenz / Künstliche Intelligenz~KI~Künstliche Intelligenz - AI, Fachkategorie: Objektorientierte Programmierung (OOP)~Aspektorientierte Programmierung~Programmiertechniken~Mustererkennung~Maschinelles Sehen, Bildverstehen, Imprint-Titels: Pearson Professional, Warengruppe: HC/Informatik, Fachkategorie: Objektorientiertes Software Engineering, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: eng, Seitenanzahl: XII, Seitenanzahl: 395, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Prentice Hall, Verlag: Prentice Hall, Verlag: Pearson Education Limited, Länge: 242, Breite: 199, Höhe: 30, Gewicht: 1018, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Herkunftsland: VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA (US), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0100, Tendenz: +1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 41710
Preis: 46.59 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Software Requirement Patterns
Learn proven, real-world techniques for specifying software requirements with this practical reference. It details 30 requirement “patterns” offering realistic examples for situation-specific guidance for building effective software requirements. Each pattern explains what a requirement needs to convey, offers potential questions to ask, points out potential pitfalls, suggests extra requirements, and other advice. This book also provides guidance on how to write other kinds of information that belong in a requirements specification, such as assumptions, a glossary, and document history and references, and how to structure a requirements specification. A disturbing proportion of computer systems are judged to be inadequate; many are not even delivered; more are late or over budget. Studies consistently show one of the single biggest causes is poorly defined requirements: not properly defining what a system is for and what it’s supposed to do. Even a modest contribution to improving requirements offers the prospect of saving businesses part of a large sum of wasted investment. This guide emphasizes this important requirement need—determining what a software system needs to do before spending time on development. Expertly written, this book details solutions that have worked in the past, with guidance for modifying patterns to fit individual needs—giving developers the valuable advice they need for building effective software requirements
Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
The Gang of Four’s seminal catalog of 23 patterns to solve commonly occurring design problemsPatterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. Highly influential, Design Patterns is a modern classic that introduces what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software and provides a catalog of simple solutions for those already programming in at last one object-oriented programming language. Each pattern:Describes the circumstances in which it is applicable, when it can be applied in view of other design constraints, and the consequences and trade-offs of using the pattern within a larger designIs compiled from real systems and based on real-world examplesIncludes downloadable C++ source code that demonstrates how patterns can be implemented and PythonFrom the preface: “Once you the design patterns and have had an ‘Aha!’ (and not just a ‘Huh?’) experience with them, you won't ever think about object-oriented design in the same way. You'll have insights that can make your own designs more flexible, modular, reusable, and understandable - which is why you're interested in object-oriented technology in the first place, right?”
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
API Design Patterns
Modern software systems are composed of many servers, services, and other components that communicate through APIs. As a developer, your job is to make sure these APIs are stable, reliable, and easy to use for other developers. API Design Patterns provides you with a unique catalog of design standards and best practices to ensure your APIs are flexible and user-friendly. Fully illustrated with examples and relevant use-cases, this essential guide covers patterns for API fundamentals and real-world system designs, along with quite a few not-so-common scenarios and edge-cases.about the technologyAPI design patterns are a useful set of best practice specifications and common solutions to API design challenges. Using accepted design patterns creates a shared language amongst developers who create and consume APIs, which is especially critical given the explosion of mission-critical public-facing web APIs. API Patterns are still being developed and discovered. This collection, gathered and tested by Google API expert JJ Geewax, is the first of its kind.about the bookAPI Design Patterns draws on the collected wisdom of the API community, including the internal developer knowledge base at Google, laying out an innovative set of design patterns for developing both internal and public-facing APIs. In this essential guide, Google Software Engineer JJ Geewax provides a unique and authoritative catalog of patterns that promote flexibility and ease-of-use in your APIs. Each pattern in the catalog is fully illustrated with its own example API, use-cases for solving common API design challenges, and scenarios for tricky edge issues using a pattern’s more subtle features. With the best practices laid out in this book, you can ensure your APIs are adaptive in the face of change and easy for your clients to incorporate into their projects. what's insideA full case-study of building an API and adding featuresThe guiding principles that underpin most API patternsFundamental patterns for resource layout and namingAdvanced patterns for special interactions and data transformationsabout the readerAimed at software developers with experience using APIs, who want to start building their own.about the authorJJ Geewax is a software engineer at Google, focusing on Google Cloud Platform and API design. He is also the author of Google Cloud Platform in Action.
Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was sind die Vorteile von modularem Design in der Entwicklung von Software?
Modulares Design ermöglicht eine bessere Wiederverwendung von Code, was die Entwicklung effizienter macht. Es erleichtert die Skalierbarkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit der Software, da einzelne Module unabhhängig voneinander entwickelt und getestet werden können. Zudem führt modulares Design zu einer verbesserten Wartbarkeit und Fehlerbehebung, da Änderungen in einem Modul keine Auswirkungen auf andere Teile des Systems haben.
Was sind die Vorteile der Versionierung bei der Entwicklung von Software?
Die Versionierung ermöglicht es, den Entwicklungsprozess zu verfolgen und Änderungen nachvollziehbar zu machen. Dadurch können Fehler leichter identifiziert und behoben werden. Zudem erleichtert die Versionierung die Zusammenarbeit im Team, da jederzeit auf frühere Versionen zurückgegriffen werden kann.
Wie kann ich meine gespielten Patterns mit der Korg Electribe 2 über den Rechner aufnehmen?
Um deine gespielten Patterns mit der Korg Electribe 2 auf dem Rechner aufzunehmen, kannst du entweder ein Audio-Interface verwenden und die Audioausgänge der Electribe 2 damit verbinden, oder du kannst die MIDI-Daten über ein MIDI-Interface aufnehmen. Wenn du ein Audio-Interface verwendest, musst du die Audioausgänge der Electribe 2 mit den Eingängen des Interfaces verbinden und dann eine Aufnahmesoftware auf dem Rechner verwenden, um das Audiosignal aufzunehmen. Wenn du ein MIDI-Interface verwendest, musst du die MIDI-Ausgänge der Electribe 2 mit den MIDI-Eingängen des Interfaces verbinden und dann eine MIDI-Aufnahmesoftware auf dem Rechner verwenden, um die MIDI-Daten aufzuzeichnen.
"Was sind die wichtigsten Aspekte beim Design einer effizienten und benutzerfreundlichen Datenbank?"
Die wichtigsten Aspekte beim Design einer effizienten und benutzerfreundlichen Datenbank sind eine klare Strukturierung der Daten, die Vermeidung von Redundanzen und Inkonsistenzen sowie die Optimierung der Abfragen für schnelle Datenzugriffe. Zudem ist es wichtig, die Sicherheit der Datenbank zu gewährleisten, indem Zugriffsrechte und Verschlüsselung eingerichtet werden. Eine regelmäßige Wartung und Optimierung der Datenbank ist ebenfalls entscheidend, um eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit sicherzustellen.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Design-Patterns:
Elemental Design Patterns
2012 Jolt Award Finalist! Even experienced software professionals find it difficult to apply patterns in ways that deliver substantial value to their organizations. In Elemental Design Patterns, Jason McC. Smith addresses this problem head-on, helping developers harness the true power of patterns, map them to real software implementations more cleanly and directly, and achieve far better results. Part tutorial, part example-rich cookbook, this resource will help developers, designers, architects, and analysts successfully use patterns with a wide variety of languages, environments, and problem domains. Every bit as important, it will give them a deeper appreciation for the work they’ve chosen to pursue. Smith presents the crucial missing link that patterns practitioners have needed: a foundational collection of simple core patterns that are broken down to their core elements. If you work in software, you may already be using some of these elemental design patterns every day. Presenting them in a comprehensive methodology for the first time, Smith names them, describes them, explains their importance, helps you compare and choose among them, and offers a framework for using them together. He also introduces an innovative Pattern Instance Notation diagramming system that makes it easier to work with patterns at many levels of granularity, regardless of your goals or role. If you’re new to patterns, this example-rich approach will help you master them piece by piece, logically and intuitively. If you’re an experienced patterns practitioner, Smith follows the Gang of Four format you’re already familiar with, explains how his elemental patterns can be composed into conventional design patterns, and introduces highly productive new ways to apply ideas you’ve already encountered. No matter what your level of experience, this infinitely practical book will help you transform abstract patterns into high-value solutions.
Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 € -
SOA Design Patterns
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.“SOA Design Patterns is an important contribution to the literature and practice of building and delivering quality software-intensive systems.” - Grady Booch, IBM Fellow “With the continued explosion of services and the increased rate of adoption of SOA through the market, there is a critical need for comprehensive, actionable guidance that provides the fastest possible time to results. Microsoft is honored to contribute to the SOA Design Patterns book, and to continue working with the community to realize the value of Real World SOA.” - Steven Martin, Senior Director, Developer Platform Product Management, Microsoft “SOA Design Patterns provides the proper guidance with the right level of abstraction to be adapted to each organization’s needs, and Oracle is pleased to have contributed to the patterns contained in this book.” - Dr. Mohamad Afshar, Director of Product Management, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle “Red Hat is pleased to be involved in the SOA Design Patterns book and contribute important SOA design patterns to the community that we and our customers have used within our own SOA platforms. I am sure this will be a great resource for future SOA practitioners.” - Pierre Fricke Director, Product Line Management, JBoss SOA Platform, Red Hat “A wealth of proven, reusable SOA design patterns, clearly explained and illustrated with examples. An invaluable resource for all those involved in the design of service-oriented solutions.” - Phil Thomas, Consulting IT Specialist, IBM Software Group “This obligatory almanac of SOA design patterns will become the foundation on which many organizations will build their successful SOA solutions. It will allow organizations to build their own focused SOA design patterns catalog in an expedited fashion knowing that it contains the wealth and expertise of proven SOA best practices.” - Stephen Bennett, Director, Technology Business Unit, Oracle Corporation “The technical differences between service orientation and object orientation are subtle enough to confuse even the most advanced developers. Thomas Erl’s book provides a great service by clearly articulating SOA design patterns and differentiating them from similar OO design patterns.” - Anne Thomas Manes, VP & Research Director, Burton Group “SOA Design Patterns does an excellent job of laying out and discussing the areas of SOA design that a competent SOA practitioner should understand and employ.” - Robert Laird, SOA Architect, IBM “As always, Thomas delivers again. In a well-structured and easy-to-understand way, this book provides a wonderful collection of patterns each addressing a typical set of SOA design problems with well articulated solutions. The plain language and hundreds of diagrams included in the book help make the complicated subjects of SOA design comprehensible even to those who are new to the SOA design world. It’s a must-have reference book for all SOA practitioners, especially for enterprise architects, solution architects, developers, managers, and business process experts.” - Canyang Kevin Liu, Solution Architecture Manager, SAP “The concept of service oriented architecture has long promised visions of agile organizations being able to swap out interfaces and applications as business needs change. SOA also promises incredible developer and IT productivity, with the idea that key services would be candidates for cross-enterprise sharing or reuse. But many organizations’ efforts to move to SOA have been mired–by organizational issues, by conflicting vendor messages, and by architectures that may amount to little more than Just a Bunch of Web Services. There’s been a lot of confusion in the SOA marketplace about exactly what SOA is, what it’s supposed to accomplish, and how an enterprise goes about in making it work. SOA Design Patterns is a definitive work that offers clarity on the purpose and functioning of service oriented architecture. SOA Design Patterns not only helps the IT practitioner lay the groundwork for a well-functioning SOA effort across the enterprise, but also connects the dots between SOA and the business requirements in a very concrete way. Plus, this book is completely technology agnostic—SOA Design Patterns rightly focuses on infrastructure and architecture, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re using components of one kind or another, or Java, or .NET, or Web services, or REST-style interfaces. While no two SOA implementations are alike, Thomas Erl and his team of contributors have effectively identified the similarities in composition services need to have at a sub-atomic level in order to interact with each other as we hope they will. The book identifies 85 SOA design patterns which have been developed and thoroughly vetted to ensure that a service-oriented architecture does achieve the flexibility and loose coupling promised. The book is also compelling in that it is a living document, if you will, inviting participation in an open process to identify and formulate new patterns to this growing body of knowledge.” - Joe McKendrick, Independent Analyst, Author of ZDNet’s SOA Blog “If you want to truly educate yourself on SOA, read this book.” - Sona Srinivasan, Global Client Services & Operations, CISCO “An impressive decomposition of the process and architectural elements that support serviceoriented analysis, design, and delivery. Right-sized and terminologically consistent. Overall, the book represents a patient separation of concerns in respect of the process and architectural parts that underpin any serious SOA undertaking. Two things stand out. First, the pattern relationship diagrams provide rich views into the systemic relationships that structure a service-oriented architecture: these patterns are not discrete, isolated templates to be applied mechanically to the problem space; rather, they form a network of forces and constraints that guide the practitioner to consider the task at hand in the context of its inter-dependencies. Second, the pattern sequence diagrams and accompanying notes provide a useful framework for planning and executing the many activities that comprise an SOA engagement.” - Ian Robinson, Principal Technology Consultant, ThoughtWorks “Successful implementation of SOA principles requires a shift in focus from software system means, or the way capabilities are developed, to the desired end results, or real-world effects required to satisfy organizational business processes. In SOA Design Patterns, Thomas Erl provides service architects with a broad palette of reusable service patterns that describe service capabilities that can cut across many SOA applications. Service architects taking advantage of these patterns will save a great deal of time describing and assembling services to deliver the real world effects they need to meet their organization’s specific business objectives.” - Chuck Georgo, Public Safety and National Security Architect “In IT, we have increasingly come to see the value of having catalogs of good solution patterns in programming and systems design. With this book, Thomas Erl brings a comprehensive set of patterns to bear on the world of SOA. These patterns enable easily communicated, reusable, and effective solutions, allowing us to more rapidly design and build out the large, complicated and interoperable enterprise SOAs into which our IT environments are evolving.” - Al Gough, Business Systems Solutions CTO, CACI International Inc. “This book provides a comprehensive and pragmatic review of design issues in service-centric design, development, and evolution. The Web site related to this book [] is a wonderful platform and gives the opportunity for the software community to maintain this catalogue….” - Veronica Gacitua Decar, Dublin City University “Erl’s SOA Design Patterns is for the IT decision maker determined to make smart architecture design choices, smart investments, and long term enterprise impact. For those IT professionals committed to service-orientation as a value-added design and implementation option, Patterns offers a credible, repeatable approach to engineering an adaptable business enterprise. This is a must read for all IT architect professionals.” - Larry Gloss, VP and General Manager, Information Manufacturing, LLC “These SOA patterns define, encompass, and comprise a complete repertoire of best practices for developing a world-class IT SOA portfolio for the enterprise and its organizational units through to service and schema analysis and design. After many years as an architect on many SOA projects, I strongly recommend this book be on the shelf of every analyst and technical member of any SOA effort, right next to the SOA standards and guidelines it outlines and elucidates the need for. Our SOA governance standards draw heavily from this work and others from this series.” - Robert John Hathaway III, Enterprise Software Architect, SOA Object Systems “A wise man once told me that wisdom isn’t all about knowledge and intelligence, it is just as much about asking questions. Asking questions is the true mark of wisdom and during the writing of the SOA Design Patterns book Thomas Erl has shown his real qualities. The community effort behind this book is huge meaning that Thomas has had access to the knowledge and experience of a large group of accomplished practitioners. The result speaks for itself. This book is packed with proven solutions to recurring problems, and the documented pros and cons of each solution have been verified by persons with true experience. This book could give SOA initiatives of any scale a real boost.” - Herbjörn Wilhelmsen, Architect and Senior Consultant, Objectware “This book is an absolute milestone in SOA literature. For the first time we are provided with a practical guide on how the principle centric description of service orientation from a vendor-agnostic viewpoint is actually made to work in a language based on patterns. This book makes you talk SOA! There are very few who understand SOA like Thomas Erl does, he actually put’s it all together!” - Brian Lokhorst, Solution Architect, Dutch Tax Office “Service oriented architecture is all about best practices we have learned since IT’s existence. This book takes all those best practices and bundles them into a nice pattern catalogue. [It provides] a really excellent approach as patterns are not just documented but are provided with application scenarios through case studies [which] fills the gap between theory and practice.” - Shakti Sharma, Senior Enterprise Architect, Sysco Corp “An excellent and important book on solving problems in SOA [with a] solid structure. Has the potential of being among the major influential books.” - Peter Chang, Lawrence Technical University “SOA Design Patterns presents a vast amount of knowledge about how to successfully implement SOA within an organization. The information is clear, concise, and most importantly, legitimate.” - Peter B. Woodhull, President and Principal Architect, Modus21 “SOA Design Patterns offers real insights into everyday problems that one will encounter when investing in services oriented architecture. [It] provides a number of problem descriptions and offers strategies for dealing with these problems. SOA design patterns highlights more than just the technical problems and solutions. Common organizational issues that can hinder progress towards achieving SOA migration are explained along with potential approaches for dealing with these real world challenges. Once again Thomas Erl provides in-depth coverage of SOA terminology and helps the reader better understand and appreciate the complexities of migrating to an SOA environment.” - David Michalowicz, Air and Space Operations Center Modernization Team Lead, MITRE Corporation “This is a long overdue, serious, comprehensive, and well-presented catalog of SOA design patterns. This will be required reading and reference for all our SOA engineers and architects. The best of the series so far! [The book] works in two ways: as a primer in SOA design and architecture it can easily be read front-to-back to get an overview of most of the key design issues you will encounter, and as a reference catalog of design techniques that can be referred to again and again…” - Wendell Ocasio, Architecture Consultant, DoD Military Health Systems, Agilex Technologies “Thomas has once again provided the SOA practitioner with a phenomenal collection of knowledge. This is a reference that I will come back to time and time again as I move forward in SOA design efforts. What I liked most about this book is its vendor agnostic approach to SOA design patterns. This approach really presents the reader with an understanding of why or why not to implement a pattern, group patterns, or use compound patterns rather than giving them a marketing spiel on why one implementation of a pattern is better than another (for example, why one ESB is better than another). I think as SOA adoption continues to advance, the ability for architects to understand when and why to apply specific patterns will be a driving factor in the overall success and evolution of SOA. Additionally, I believe that this book provides the consumer with the understanding required to chose which vendor’s SOA products are right for their specific needs.” - Bryan Brew, SOA Consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton “A must have for every SOA practitioner.” - Richard Van Schelven, Principal Engineer, Ericsson “This book is a long-expected successor to the books on object-oriented design patterns and integration patterns. It is a great reference book that clearly and thoroughly describes design patterns for SOA. A great read for architects who are facing the challenge of transforming their enterprise into a service-oriented enterprise.” - Linda Terlouw, Solution Architect, Ordina “The maturation of Service-Orientation has given the industry time to absorb the best practices of service development. Thomas Erl has amassed this collective wisdom in SOA Design Patterns, an absolutely indispensible addition to any Service Oriented bookshelf.” - Kevin P. Davis, Ph.D “The problem with most texts on SOA is one of specificity. Architects responsible for SOA implementation in most organizations have little time for abstract theories on the subject, but are hungry for concrete details that they can relate to the real problems they face in their environment. SOA Design Patterns is critical reading for anyone with service design responsibilities. Not only does the text provide the normal pattern templates, but each pattern is applied in detail against a background case study to provide exceptionally meaningful context to the information. The graphic visualizations of the problems and pattern solutions are excellent supplementary companions to the explanatory text. This book will greatly stretch the knowledge of the reader as much for raising and addressing issues that may have never occurred to the reader as it does in treating those problems that are in more common occurrence. The real beauty of this book is in its plain English prose. Unlike so many technical reference books, one does not find themselves re-reading sections multiple times trying to discern the intent of the author. This is also not a reference that will sit gathering dust on a shelf after one or two perusings. Practitioners will find themselves returning over and over to utilize the knowledge in their projects. This is as close as you’ll come to having a service design expert sitting over your shoulder.” - James Kinneavy, Principal Software Architect, University of California “As the industry converges on SOA patterns, Erl provides an outstanding reference guide to composition and integration–and yet another distinctive contribution to the SOA practice.” - Steve Birkel, Chief IT Technical Architect, Intel Corp. “With SOA Design Patterns, Thomas Erl adds an indispensable SOA reference volume to the technologist’s library. Replete with to-the-point examples, it will be a helpful aid to any IT organization.” - Ed Dodds, Strategist, Systems Architect, Conmergence “Again, Thomas Erl has written an indispensable guide to SOA. Building on his prior successes, his patterns go into even more detail. Therefore, this book is not only helpful to the SOA beginner, but also provides new insight and ideas to professionals.” - Philipp Offermann, Research Scientist, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany “SOA Design Patterns is an extraordinary contribution to SOA best practices! Once again, Thomas has created an indispensable resource for any person or organization interested in or actively engaged in the practice of Service Oriented Architecture. Using case studies based on three very different business models, Thomas guides the reader through the process of selecting appropriate implementation patterns to ensure a flexible, well-performing, and secure SOA ecosystem.” - Victor Brown, Managing Partner and Principal Consultant, Cypress Management Group Corporation In cooperation with experts and practitioners throughout the SOA community, best-selling author Thomas Erl brings together the de facto catalog of design patterns for SOA and service-orientation. More than three years in development and subjected to numerous industry reviews, the 85 patterns in this full-color book provide the most successful and proven design techniques to overcoming the most common and critical problems to achieving modern-day SOA. Through numerous examples, individually documented pattern profiles, and over 400 color illustrations, this book provides in-depth coverage of: • Patterns for the design, implementation, and governance of service inventories–collections of services representing individual service portfolios that can be independently modeled, designed, and evolved. • Patterns specific to service-level architecture which pertain to a wide range of design areas, including contract design, security, legacy encapsulation, reliability, scalability, and a variety of implementation and governance issues. • Service composition patterns that address the many aspects associated with combining services into aggregate distributed solutions, including topics such as runtime messaging and message design, inter-service security controls, and transformation. • Compound patterns (such as Enterprise Service Bus and Orchestration) and recommended pattern application sequences that establish foundational processes. The book begins by establishing SOA types that are referenced throughout the patterns and then form the basis of a final chapter that discusses the architectural impact of service-oriented computing in general. These chapters bookend the pattern catalog to provide a clear link between SOA design patterns, the strategic goals of service-oriented computing, different SOA types, and the service-orientation design paradigm. This book series is further supported by a series of resources sites, including,,,, and
Preis: 46 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns
Test-driven, test-first, and test-early development practices are helping thousands of software development organizations improve their software. Now, in Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns, Stephen Vance builds on all that’s been learned about test-driven development, helping you achieve unprecedented levels of first-time quality. Using real-world code examples, this guide introduces patterns, principles, and more than two dozen detailed techniques for testing any software system more fully, effectively, and painlessly. Vance presents a conceptual framework to help you focus your efforts and design recommendations for improving testability across the software lifecycle, and also provides hands-on guidance to simplify testing of the full spectrum of code constructs. You’ll learn how to choose the best testing techniques for every situation, from the most common scenarios to threading. Two complete case studies put it all together, walking you through testing a brand-new Java application and an untested “legacy” JavaScript jQuery plugin. Whether you’re developing cutting-edge code for a new start-up, or maintaining an unruly old system, this guide will help you deliver exactly what you need: quality code. • Simplify unit testing of all your code—and improve integration and system testing • Delineate intent and implementation to promote more reliable and scalable testing • Overcome confusion and misunderstandings about the mechanics of writing tests • Test “side effects,” behavioral characteristics, and contextual constraints • Understand subtle interactions between design and testability—and make them work for, not against, you • Discover core principles that guide your key testing decisions • Explore testing getters/setters, string handling, encapsulation, override variations, visibility, singleton patterns, error conditions, and more • Reproduce and test complex race conditions deterministically
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries
Master Today’s Best Practices for Building Reusable .NET Frameworks, Libraries, and Components“.NET Core [contains] advances important to cloud application developers: performance, resource utilization, container support, and others. This third edition of Framework Design Guidelines adds guidelines related to changes that the .NET team adopted during transition from the world of client-server application to the world of the Cloud.”–From the Foreword by Scott GuthrieFramework Design Guidelines has long been the definitive guide to best practices for developing components and component libraries in Microsoft .NET. Now, this third edition has been fully revised to reflect game-changing API design innovations introduced by Microsoft through eight recent updates to C#, eleven updates to .NET Framework, and the emergence and evolution of .NET Core.Three leading .NET architects share the same guidance Microsoft teams are using to evolve .NET, so you can design well-performing components that feel like natural extensions to the platform. Building on the book’s proven explanatory style, the authors and expert annotators offer insider guidance on new .NET and C# concepts, including major advances in asynchronous programming and lightweight memory access. Throughout, they clarify and refresh existing content, helping you take full advantage of best practices based on C# 8, .NET Framework 4.8, and .NET Core.Discover which practices should always, generally, rarely, or never be used–including practices that are no longer recommendedLearn the general philosophy and fundamental principles of modern framework design Explore common framework design patterns with up-to-date C# examplesApply best practices for naming, types, extensibility, and exceptionsLearn how to design libraries that scale in the cloudMaster new async programming techniques utilizing Task and ValueTaskMake the most of the Memory<T> and Span<T> types for lightweight memory accessThis guide is an indispensable resource for everyone who builds reusable .NET-based frameworks, libraries, or components at any scale: large system frameworks, medium-size reusable layers of large distributed systems, extensions to system frameworks, or even small shared components.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Die häufigsten Arten von Software-Bugs sind Logikfehler, Speicherlecks, unerwartete Eingaben und fehlerhafte Benutzerschnittstellen. In der Software-Entwicklung können Bugs durch unzureichende Tests, unklare Anforderungen und schlechte Codequalität auftreten. Im Web-Design können Bugs durch Inkompatibilität mit verschiedenen Browsern, unsauberen HTML-Code und fehlerhafte CSS-Stylesheets entstehen. Im Maschinenbau können Bugs durch ungenaue Messungen, unzureichende Materialqualität und unerwartete Umweltbedingungen auftreten.
Welche Software für KNX Programmierung?
Welche Software für KNX Programmierung? Es gibt verschiedene Softwarelösungen für die Programmierung von KNX-Systemen, darunter ETS (Engineering Tool Software) von KNX Association, die als Standardwerkzeug für die Programmierung von KNX-Installationen gilt. Es gibt auch alternative Softwarelösungen von Drittanbietern wie Gira X1 oder Jung Facility Pilot, die ebenfalls zur Programmierung von KNX-Systemen verwendet werden können. Die Wahl der Software hängt oft von persönlichen Vorlieben, Erfahrung und den Anforderungen des Projekts ab. Es ist ratsam, sich mit den verschiedenen verfügbaren Optionen vertraut zu machen und diejenige auszuwählen, die am besten zu den individuellen Bedürfnissen passt.
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